SLC D and E gredale opportunity to receive test day

May 32, 2073- This year, given to two students about the 'D' and 'E' grade again to get: a chance to test day has been received.

Board examination controller's office "for the decision, according to vrddhika grade. "A maximum of two students about the D and E grades to increase gredaprapta has decided to give a chance to the test, 'test controller kaprile Prasad said," This arrangement is only for the more excellent grades. If the test will not be binding wished to join. "The result is a complete publication of the exam date.

Office of the Controller SLC results this year alphanumeric system (Grading System) is expected to be available. According to student A plus, A, B plus, B, C plus, C, D plus, D and E grade has been decided.

Taken this past April SLC regular technical and general subjects and ekjyamtedaka the 6 million 15 thousand, five hundred are participating in the test. This is the first week of June to prepare the publication of the results are expressed kaprile controller. SLC test has been sampariksana all copies, now work is being done tebulesanako results, "he said.
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