June 9, 2073- The Central Investigation Bureau is now active for fake doctor to control is parekae. Police on the basis of fake educational certificates have arrested 54 alleged fraud becoming a doctor is 80 janakae khaeji liisakekae is garirahekae. DIG Ganesh Raj under the KP with regard to saehi silavalasamga garekae conversation:
The dispute was detained medical doctor association, and do free running?
I do not know why they are janairahanubhaeko objection, we have not been able to understand. We do not have eligible cikitsakamathi. I have people who are not eligible for qualification janasvasthyamathi that the fun is trying to stop us. Eligibility so they should be happy without a doctor's occupation hatada. Could not understand why it is risairahanubhaeko. Police said the first abducted abuse now say, has begun. Perhaps they have no obligation.
When arrested after abuse and does not oppose?
This is a baseless accusation. Sammanapuvarka are all under control. Anyone not wearing hatkadisameta. Most have their own vehicle from the police office. However, the police went to arrest to force to take control of your paricayapatrasahita introduce licensing are brought. It does not mean that abuse.
Court to declare, then, that inadvertently fake?
We not fake doctor, the doctor said we fake educational certificates. Police detained the CIB research is not research. As the doctor has been arrested, fake tests confirm their educational certificates after authorization by the arrested are. Looking at the evidence and to arrest those claims are genuine or fake, it is subject to court unhelpful.
MBBS and MD I.Sc. certificate has not only investigate?
Early research I.Sc. investigations are started. In case of fake educational certificates appear to MBBS and MD certificates is also being investigated.
All medical research is fake certificate?
Nepal Medical Council allowed to work as a physician is taken of all the academic research.
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