Congress said, 'earthquake were to politicize'

May 32, 2073- Congress empowered the weak opposition? Netaharutarpha referring Rajdhani District President Madhu Acharya, his findings and told, 'So far the role of Congress, powerful but handicapped has become.' Singha Congress parliamentary party on Tuesday quake-hit areas of district president and sansaharusamga party leadership had discussions on the participation of the majority of earthquake victims to politicize even when the Congress Party pressure should not sit silent over them. They stressed that, "even in Parliament and in the streets in support of the party should start movement.

District President and MPs of the affected area after the pressure movement of a loud party president Deuba said that the beginning of the victims in favor of Congress voice bulunda meeting of Parliament on Wednesday and said it would. "The government grant is missing in the list the name of the victims, I had lost enough. On the basis of certain political convictions Congress who seem to be more, it is a serious subject "Deuba said," Now that this issue does not selaumna day. '

Authorization under the advice and guidance committee vice prime minister, president and the main opposition party leader has been arranged. However, Deuba said that the meeting was not himself any information about the work. You go to the meeting, we raised a shaking, and here is the right that it has raised the question of whether lawmakers that a meeting of the President of the Authority Deuba himself nadakieko be informed. "I is not holding up to the meeting, relief and rehabilitation to the victims quickly towards political consensus government that seem to attempt to" Deuba said the meeting was "so sensitive concerning UML is also working for risky worker. We stand firmly with its obstructions. "

The main objection to the Congress take the lead in rebuilding the party from the political interests of the government authority detailing the operation of the monopoly is. NEA grant on the basis of the victim's name listed when political convictions to deliver / include, UML NGOs operating budget through the social mobilization of manpower for the work of Congress to give priority to the placement of the UML nikataharulai navy. These issues are corrected with a few days together and had requested NC. Soon Authority, formed under the advice and guidance committee vice relate to Deuba Authority siiyo Sushil jnavalisahitaka karyakarani bolaerai members were alerted.

"EARTHQUAKE SURVIVOR people from rebuilding required per the government's indifference and politicization per our serious attention has been drawn, 'dinabharajaso the discussion Congress decision, claiming it is said,' punarnirmanaprati government Rather than being non-governmental organizations and the National Reconstruction Authority, including worker appointed as an opportunity has been used. '

Do not affect the election of local bodies for banaunakai UML has accused the Congress leaders are expecting to rajanitikakarana Authority. Congress leader Arjun Narsingh KC, UML Heard and through non-governmental organizations called enabled by operational budget is going to work to nourish worker said. He manpower placement authority, budget, operations, government grants, including the voter list for the political beliefs and showed that the shadow of prejudice.

Parliament on Tuesday held a strong voice to raise issues of earthquake victims have been mentioned. However, to meet the demand, disrupted leader Prakash Sharan Mahat said it would parnelagayataka dabavamuluka program. Earthquake victims each to families of two million grant decided in accordance with the grant lump sum immediately to be provided, the victims concessional lending also decided to immediately implement, earthquake victims by reality, statistics on the basis of missed roll immediately involve, National Reconstruction Authority and non-governmental organizations worker recruitment It is not to be used as the main congress center demand.

The three districts of the valley and the reconstruction needs of earthquake victims by immediately complete verification should be completed immediately, archaeological historical heritage, and other public service related to reconstruction of schools which work is placed immediately in front, demanding Congress. "We have to complete these demands sound uthauchaum parliament, but the government has not heard that Parliament is undermined by" Mahat said. He now has only administrative costs but the government is not doing relief victims.
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