Laparabahile hospital mortality for pregnant women

Due to the death of a pregnant laparabahika surkhetah hospital. Birth pains of the Mid-Western Regional Hospital admitted cpapepachi Birendranagar bhargavati gandharmako Tila died.

Himself to walk to the hospital Tila old Birendranagar 22 guptipuraki 26 detainees died in hospital. Relatives of the deceased due to the negligence of the hospital were killed, saying Tila demanded stern action have demanded.

The risk of nursing home context, relatives said Sunday Hospital. Monday morning, liniments and relatives after the death of a child and a child were killed, saying Tila laparabahile hospital have expressed resentment.

When admitted to the hospital the doctor and show concern for those who died in the cabin due to the same neglect is alleged. Tila poor and surgical procedures, including repeated requests from the child out of the hospital has been accused of neglect by the family.

Tila during childbirth and the baby died in her belly to the hospital, said the administration. Tila deceased husband gandharmale Bal said, "Mrs. laparabahile hospital lost, the house is a danger that was brought to the hospital. However, the doctor did neglect, child removed by surgery than did not give. "

He was not the night and in the morning the phone and called the hospital, the doctor had not even complained during a doctor. Tila died only after he came to the hospital the doctor is accused.

Meanwhile, the hospital administration has denied the charges and said that the negligence of. Hospital Medical suparitendeta looking for a doctor to save Tila Dambar Khadka said died.

Even when allowance every possible effort to save is not successful, he said. The operation requested by the relatives of the child out of the hospital were also not so clear as it is in normal condition.

The doctor further said, "Tila laparabahile not died, we try to do the same to. Problems in very less time of childbirth was seen in this event, we Tila died while trying. '
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