I am born on Saturday, sadhesatako dasale chumdainah Oli

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Kathamadaumh Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Saturday as his birth Saturn Planet Saturn sadhesatako dasagrahasameta feel sad and worthless claims have been unforgiving.

Oli said, "I have never hurts sanile that does not work that can be grahadasa heraune. Heraune still do not work. We sanilai not looking, he would have to be state herematra us. '

BP Koirala Memorial Planetarium and Observatory and Science Museum Development Committee, held Oli said, "Man sanisita not see the telescope, to take the state? '

Astronomy and space science symposium on Monday by the Development Committee at the opening ceremony, saying rudhivadaprati vyanagya Oli did not sanisita telescope.

Ten three-day seminar stressed the two, certificate, small-graduate level study of science is about a hundred talented students with the participation of.

The last time they study astronomy and space science, research scientist doing research who, achievement and work in this area by the Government of Nepal to give information about the program.

Nepal BP Koirala Memorial Planetarium and Observatory on behalf of the organization to the moon rocket launch, according to the most mahatvakanksi working plan. For this purpose, he opened the vedasala is more than the establishment of a legislature.
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