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Kathamadaumh last time when running the change of government, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli discuss upcoming House of Representatives election in 2074 only after the government said it would change.

The major component of coalition partners CPN (Maoist Centre) along the way at the start of the debate regarding the change of government from Prime Minister Oli such statements.

Nepal aditarsa ​​Association (stand) to the Fourth National Congress inaugurated, he said, "Now the government to change noise phimjaieko is, 2074 year December of the House of Representatives election garauchum its consequences, whose government is, and know it, now the government tends to that love."

Prime Minister Oli to make the country and the country's pride, prestige necessary to increase the current government accused the government policy and program and budget to the aspirations of the country's development has moved forward with them.
"Shortly Kathmandu-Pokhara railway huimkincha '
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