The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone sector plan seperate two billion

On Friday, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli jhapah glow around his constituency big four plans have laid the foundation stone. His constituency area of ​​the municipality of the plan by the beginning Oli Friday.

First Oli Damak municipality dhukurapanima a billion cost of 24 million to become the foundation stone of the tower View. Then he suspected that Morang and add gloss Mawa 30 million cost of Rs 22 million to be called the bridge foundation.

View Oli's tower foundation aims to complete the project within five years of the construction committee. Mawa river bridge said to be 50 meters long and 11 meters wide and 2 hundred remain.

Similarly, linking Ilam, Jhapa damakadekhi 2 hundred meters long and 11 meters wide foundation stone for another bridge that Oli. 15 million 68 million cost of the construction of the bridge will be handed over by the contractor organization to complete within three years. Oli damakamai 30 million cost of the planned construction of an international city hall on Friday, the foundation stone. Damak told city hall building another two.

View Oli Oli and former Speaker Subash Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of the tower to admit.

While laying damakalai Oli 'Smart City' as mentioned. He Damak 'attractive' to develop, he said. Prime Minister Oli said, 'We're growing by development work. With no alternative before. A few years from Damak modern city as a development. We are preparing a master plan for clarify. '

The bridge opened to become the most dangerous foundation of the program, the Ilam constituency MP and former Speaker Subash nemvangale No. 2 Ilam residents are sick should remember the obligation of the hospital said Damak. He also urged the bridge during the banaisakna.

He heralded the portion of the constituent assembly vote gave the cadres are disappointed. He said the vote gave himself the portion of the cadres are disappointed NRNs regret voting to disobey him, saying jokingly.

He said the vote nadinele support themselves, including the next election. Prime Minister Oli said, 'You guys are good and didst give me votes. Now, believe me it must have been. Who did not vote would feel a little regret. But do not worry about the next election comes. '

Damakabasile said last Friday the foundation stone for a long time in the past about the government's plans told cried. But the Prime Minister in his region only after Parliament has heard their demands, they say.

Damak 5 of Hari Adhikari said, "It was only after the Prime Minister himself came to believe was the foundation work that it is." Damak 6 Rupa Pokharel Prime impedes their MP allowance lamented lack of development.

His own field of international standards arena, industrial park and the world's largest Buddha statue is called to make in the next fiscal year, including the budget, they have been planning. But the great plan only in your area has expressed dissatisfaction, saying other areas are common.
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