Nepal Petroleum: How many years would be?

Petroleum product life cycle, upstream, midastrima and daunastrima process has been divided by 3 fold and life cycle prospektina (Exploration), access to the installation, drilling, Development and Production, transportation, processing and sales-distribution must exceed a total of 7 steps.

1. Prospektina (Exploration)
Prospektina (exploration) or search for petroleum products is preliminary and most complex work.

For bhugarbhavida (jiyolojista), bhubhautikavida (jiyophijisista), bhurasayanavida (jiyokemista), petrokemista, drillers, mainri engineer, chemist, etc need to be involved. The nest is usually 1 kimidekhi petroleum, mining depth of 10 may kimisamma.

Sometimes underground natural gas and crude oil also highly owing to the hole and dararaharumarphata jaminasamma tears come. It is indicated in the ground anywhere in the petroleum, mining does, but how far and deep the mines does not refer to confirm that.

For example, Nepal's Dailekh district sristhana, including 45 from nabhisthana and padukasthana natural gas and crude oil is found in tears. But this does not mean that it must not burrow petroleum mining district headquarters. It can also be elsewhere, many kilometers far from sentimentality.

Three things need to become rich in petroleum. The source rock organic matter (source rock), liquid and gas products that could live together, chidraharu the rock (rock feasible) and for oil to exit the land surface that can serve as a pit stop not chidraharu Rock (Camp Rock).

The source rock of petroleum products and it becomes the cattanamarphata chidraharu from hundreds kimisamma opinions and the testimony goes to work as a rock (Camp Rock) under deposit remains constant. Petroleum storage place to live by called Trap.

Geological mapping
The first phase of the region's geological mapping prospektinako is possible. For this purpose, the rocks appear to land on the surface composition, structure, origin and age are about to check.

The area source rock, rock and cap rock or not rijarbhoyara, petrol has reached the temperature needed to grow or not and what is his basement magnitude is estimated. Recently the possibility of residing 36 districts spread of petroleum and about 18 thousand 8 hundred and 60 square kilometers is covered.

The project division of the Department of Mines and Geology, Petroleum Exploration residing only if 10 khandamadhye a geological mapping takes about 6 months to 10 bhugarbhavidalai. Year 6 months time is considered appropriate to survey the field.

In this way, a year of 10 consecutive work if a section bhugarbhavidale mapping, the data processing, cross-section construction and mining petrolayama seems to be able to identify possible place. All section to the study of almost 100 years of continuous work is a must bhugarbhavidale.

geophysical Survey
Estimated on the basis of geological evidence seen at the surface soil may not be exact location of the mines. Often petroleum mines are very deep, it is more conform to adopt another method.

This geophysical survey illustrate grabhiti, magnetic and sesmika survey method are more effective. Geophysical survey, high technology, skilled and experienced manpower and requires a large budget and if the field survey and data processing takes a long time for.

Drilling basis, or not, and what to change employer to confirm that the drilling is. At the same time it would take for geophysical survey is difficult to estimate.

Geochemical (biogeochemical) Survey
Geophysics sarbhesamgai biogeochemical survey is also important. This underground water, hydro-carbon and is judged by how much gas volume. Usually petroleum mines near the ocean hydro carbon and the gas volume of water than the other place is.

Only after checking the place where a lot of water and hydro-carbon gas is increasing the amount that can be detected. All kinds of straw appears that the possibility of lumping of the petroleum, mining drilling is sure to be possible places.

2. installation access
Geological mapping, geophysical and biogeochemical Survey mines likely to prove petroleum drilling and other development work after drilling for advance access to the place where the installation is necessary.

For this purpose, land acquisition, pahumcamarga construction, electrical work, etc. It is important to expand the line. In addition, many budget and requires time. Nepal is also at least 1 year of experience in this work done faster if it will take.

3. Drilling
Petroleum drilling and mining potential prathamapataka new place is to make sure that is done. It is considered the most risky investment.

 Vaildakyata drilling success rate is 10 to 25 percent of the total. This means that 1 to 2.5 10 Drilling Petroleum found only likely to draw. Modern technology, highly experienced and skilled manpower, the study used the place of drilling success rate is 50 percent of the total.

If we look at the current international experience gahiraianusara drilling a well and $ 1 million to 50 million to 10 million dollars may seem. By this it could be estimated, it is how risky and expensive.

4. Development and Production
When drilling for petroleum products if a draw and it was found that how much and what quality crude petroleum that is wearing the actual facts.

From here on the basis of its oil out economically beneficial and sustainable only when it is certified that the production process SELF. Before starting production of oil deep
Development must.

First draw metal or concrete casing to put that on the one hand, on the other underground water well does the passing of the oil sands protects machines.

Caching has been cooled, the oil level below the rock part of the blast or other method to phutaincha, so that the oil can be easily gathered opinions troughs. Only after the oil surface of the soil begins to drag the process.

If the oil pressure is stored in the place highly owing 15 percent of their oil comes from oil sands jaminasamma himself. The rest of the oil pump is keen to bring a tannuparne. Special kinds of pumps for the oil drag, so the depth of need.

5. shipping
Oil well, often in remote areas, and facilitate run.multipl little place out of the crude oil refinery, transportation must have been established. Large oil tanker shipping must be used to either or pipe line is vichyaunuparne.

6. treatment
Crude oil usually oil, gas, water, and other contaminated materials hilomato is a mixture of. These substances distilesana processing center, kryakina process for the separation of different types of petroleum products. Chutyaisakepachi gas compressor into a liquid state is through.

Oil can be processed to the need to enrich the airplane fuel, kerosene, petrol, diesel, hitina oil, lubricant, is transformed into the beginning. The solid material remaining after treatment is used as asphalt. Such a treatment center placement, even huge amount of money and takes time.

7. Sales-Distribution
The last step is the sales-distribution of petroleum products. Sales-delivery ward or through the pipeline is through.

Nepal across the life cycle of the above-mentioned use of petroleum is needed. How long for?

Common ways even if lung function Launch, adequate budget provision is, foreign, even skilled manpower is, purchase and tender process faster to build, political instability and strikes affect the position to be said that the Nepali market in Nepal, petrol available petroleum cycle, each step in a crusade for at least 7 years, it will take 1 year dimdasameta time.

A country like ours exploration and drilling work is not possible 1 year. Morang districts to begin in 2042 and 4 years were 3 thousand 5 hundred 20 min. We can drill deep experience only.

Nepal's other major project construction experience if you look at the market to bring anvesanadekhi marketable petroleum may take at least 10 years. It is not simply a means to disappoint the Nepali people, this is a reality.

This period could also use their own petroleum would be considered a great achievement. World experience shows that if this period is the average time is short.

Pakistan balucisthanako gas bubbling in the survey began in 1 9 52 1 9 67 Dhaulkagiri said sales-distribution began. Malaysia Sarawak oil well survey, started in 1 9 50 1 9 68 production was started only.

Any government agencies required for the Geological Survey no modern tools. If the devices are rusty rock, soil, water etc there is not a chemical test laboratory. Anyway, to make a rock-cut microscope slide visible upakaranasameta not good.

Again, to use the device and to secure the data analysis from the lack of experts is able. In a way, the grabhimitara geophysics survey, myagnetomitara, sesmographa, use him to know and to know that it has analyzed the data does not exist, rather than manpower in Nepal also.

Mines and other petroleum drilling drilinajasto not easy. Our experience, capability and technology is up to 300 meters for underground water drilling to be. But for petroleum drilling must kimisamma 4 kimidekhi 10. The technician and the device for its special expertise is needed.

Similarly, in Nepal are also petroleum and other mineral properties and structure analysis of chemical laboratory could not faithful.

In such cases, petroleum exploration and production more complex, expensive and time consuming than normal stages that seems. Therefore, development of skilled manpower in government, law and international level adequate tool to establish a chemical laboratory is important to note. For this purpose, the current Tribhuvan University geology department and its course is not enough.

Therefore, the TU or any other establishment of the University of mining school curriculum accordingly necessary to begin to prepare and educate.

Finally, two years is that the use of petroleum Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli said only a conscience. Ence politicians, experts and politicians who speak in itself is the policy of the country.

Prime words mean in our own country as quickly as possible to move forward to enhance the use of petroleum, and it says that is not without blemish. But for petroleum exploration work allocated sufficient budget, purchase modern devices, an international standard laboratory established and skilled manpower is required to be geared towards the government should immediately take the initiative.

If the government and the need to be drdhasankalpita at least 10 years according to the environment if we are to make our country can be optimistic that we can use petroleum.
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