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May 20, 2073- long drought of various organizations Harvested production quota has receded, nayakabada, Bhagwati, Chanda, Dashera, OCE, at best, lagoon, kortanaka villages food crisis has escalated.

Long drought, hail, windstorm wheat, barley, pulse, canalagayata winter crop production has decreased. "No village grain of rice. Food Depot has not reached the rice. Two meals a rent-a severe now, "said Chanda 8 lalavira bamthale.

Nepal Food Corporation Fiscal Year Chanda ghogi dhipoma 15 and 25 quintals of Dashera Depot is sent only rice. Corporation headquarters said the warehouse is 2 thousand 2 hundred quintals of rice inventories.

Four Depot village when regular rice distribution to the food crisis in a remote village. Pier 1 depot and the depot 1 thousand 1 hundred thousand quintals of rice were distributed in the local Bahadur Malla said that the lack of the same.

Increased demand for rice in a remote village in the branch leading dharmabahadura he said. Headquarters for the 2 thousand 3 hundred, Pier 2 thousand depot, the depot 1 thousand 4 hundred, for Branch 2 thousand 2 hundred, ghogi and 2/2 thousand quintals of rice for the depot Dashera yet to be shipped, he said.

'Pier and the depot is being transported for regular rice, "he said. Ghogi and the shipping depot Dashera entrepreneurs negligence rice supply was a problem. The depot should be virtually no set quota due to the problem of transportation of half rice, he said.

Livestock production of 17 thousand hectares of arable modernized 13 thousand hectares remained negligible. Rabi crop season production decreased by 22 thousand metric tons of grain, said Senior Agriculture Development Officer Chitra aim.

'Field 9 0 percent decline in food production, "he said. Jajarkot District Natural Disaster Relief Committee has demanded to declare a month food crisis.

Was detained for two days' walk from the Nepalese photu VDC ravalabada lokajanga village geared up to take the rice came. When drought grain production to feed the stomach so hard to take after the rice has, he said.

He not only, in order to come to headquarters to take sorubhegaka 7 VDCs of food has increased, some reeling. If the food crisis in the village are also geared up food sacks of rice is enough.

The drought also produce wheat and barley when sorubhegaka 7 VDCs are endangered great food. Government grants napugda rice village inhabitants are forced to come to headquarters two days walk. Food grain rice to take home from the absence of said lokajangale.

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