Gharabetiki your mouth raped daughter

Viraganjah has owned the 12-year-old girl, a young man living in a rented house, the roof has been revealed balatkaragareko. Last Wednesday of Birgunj Sub-Ward Number 9 ramatola youth living in a house of his own house, the girl, she opened the roof of balatkaragareko. 1 9-year-old girl living in a rented house, King Sheikh gharabetiki 12 daytime-old daughter is raped, police said. According to police, two and a half hour Wednesday afternoon Sheikh girl of the house, the roof was balatkaragareka. Washed and dried fabric roof on Sunday, she saw the girl being abused by Sheikh your mouth girl had a brother noise. The girl was screaming garnasatha brother Sheikh had fled. The complaint lodged by the victim parents at the District Police Office in the event of public. Police on Thursday arrested the absconding sekhalai rajubabu Shrestha said Superintendent of Police clash. Police arrested the girl and Shekh Narayani Sub-regional Hospital on Friday, the health test is made. Sekhalai arrested, detained, Parsa District Police Office. The hospital medical report after the necessary action will be initiated by the Police Superintendent Shrestha. Similarly, the last on May 12 corni VDC in Parsa district were also two young A girl balatkaragareka. The 18-year-old Anil corni VDC Ward No. 4 Upendra Mahato and Paswan local 10 year old daughter took turns raping the girl has been arrested, police said chaaropita both young. On May 12 at 9 pm while she was at home near the water taps of Mahato and Paswan hatakhututa took more than five hundred meters away from the location of the doors were taken. The two men had taken turns to force the victim to sit balatkaragareko quoting police said. Even in the event on 12 June 16 on the victim, the father had only complaint. Based on the complaint and pasavanalai aropitadvaya Mahato has been arrested on June 16, police said Shrestha said Parsa. Both the girl and the young man accused Narayani Sub-Regional Hospital Health and medical reports provided after the trial process will be initiated necessary action, police said. Parsa balatkarasambandhi the current fiscal year 1 9 filed to the District Police Office said. From June 1 deadline to August 9, District Superintendent of Police balatkarasambandhi 1 9 filed on rajubabu Shrestha said. Registered cases of rape and 13 cases of rape were registered in seven Shrestha. 1 9 accustomed to the rape arrested and eight are absconding, police said. According to the District Police Office, Parsa said in the previous fiscal year 2071 ÷ 072 rape cases were registered were related to 21.
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