Five thousand people are tempted ...

Nepalgunj-five thousand dollars, when we are tempted to lack of legal punishment of a young man and boys are made. Another behest of the state eagerness Rukum opium, 24 years old Dil Bahadur Rawat resident cook -2 bhuranga Rupadiya India are arrested.
Three kg of opium in India, going by the state to carry Mid Indian Border Security Force SSB Monday night at 10 pm he was arrested.

SSB seventh bahinika Assistance Force hero Rabi Shankar Kumar Nepal as a young man was arrested on the basis of a special tip. "The information coming to India after a young man carrying opium in plain clothes we were deployed, wearing a blue jacket Young limit sign, we were subjected to a suspicion of opium was found," said a source SSB.

Three kg of opium young thigh, chest and tied thaima was found, according to SSB. The international market price of opium has been seized Rs 60 lakh in the SSB is claimed. Indian arrested for further investigation Dil 'Narcotics Control Bureau' has taken Lucknow Hero Rabi Assistance Force have sankarale information.

During the early statements of a young resident of Nepalgunj Gopal Pun has said that opium. "Gopal Pun Magar, took me to a hotel, there are bound my body the same way as opium," the young man said a source quoted SSB 'puryauidie the opium in India, amounted to 5 thousand rupees me to make sure he was confirmed.' According to Indian law, even the young man arrested for punishment, that punishment is not told about the SSB.

Nepalgunj Nepal Police and Armed Police-Rupadiya if the security check and they almost five places. Man carrying a large amount of opium Police and Armed Police said post were able to escape easily. In the event of a general fear of the police and armed police security cekajamcaprati aroused.

Area Police Office in charge of Police Inspector Pramod Chhetri opium carrying the young man was able to enter how the border, surprised about what he said. He said the citizen, "a young man than the main road outside the range seems to be entered.
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