Fare rate in nepal

May 27, 2073- Gita Raju Lamichane rode tempo to take a daily vegetable market reach handover. When 15, when a 15-rupee pay their rent. Kalanki handover is about two kilometers away. However, the government more than Rs 4 tokebhanda, regularly pay their rent.

Front-- Shankar Tamang of Nepal bus transportation to reach Minbhawan Anamnagar hanumanathana office. Office to reach 15, and return home only Rs 15. Even if this only Rs 13 fare paying Rs 15 for each day he come. Sahacalakasamga not saying to avoid the two Rs withdrew retail, he said. "Four kimisamma traveled 13 Rs 15 Rs rental cadhnebittikai would pay," he said, "was very, passengers are kept thagii footsteps."

Last January the Ministry of Transport and Physical Planning the cabinet decision, any decision to reduce vehicle rental rate so far has not been able to be maintained. Department of Transport Management Transport Entrepreneurs pressure and depression could be implemented to cover rental rate. The order is growing daily passengers being misled.

Valley 4 kilometers away Rs 13 and Rs 23 1 9 miles rental is determined. 'Ring Road' circumnavigation of the entire rental is determined by the maximum 24 rupees. But entrepreneurs have to take Tankpur revolve around 40 rupees. The official spokesman for the Department of Transport in spring nakabandiaghi earthquake and loud, ironically, daily rental, they have come a hundred, had come to leave the complaint.

'Loud complaints rental seekers should own, "he said," the government does not live in the home takeramatra, educated man who had a complaint can, by monitoring more than just the department. "

Public transport long study / research have Pulchock engineering professor suryaraja Acharya Valley daily 12 million passengers who travel in public transport, said. Each passengers exiting and returning to the days of finding an average of 2 times the minimum use of public transport.

In this way, one day, at least 4 Rs lutiincha passengers. 12 million passengers, 48 ​​million more than Rs Valley to take public transportation for coping with the daily, he said. '2 Rupee withdrew no insult is that the passenger also thinks, the next thing most passenger fares Bahadur will not know, "he said," every vehicles bhadasambandhi awareness message to write. "Traffic Police Division DIG light Aryal sevagrahiprati be accountable culture, the lack of public service Tainted said.

If a poor quality public transport system the government has developed many personal vehicles and buy Aryal said. "The quality of public transportation is sloppy," he said. However, recipients should be aware of their rights, he said. Secretary of the National Federation of Nepal Transport Entrepreneurs Saroj Sitaula minimum rental rate of more than Rs 13, said taking the strict guidelines.

"Two Dollar Retail Back to seek seekers shame not to obey," he said, "There must be aware of rights and self-seekers? The entrepreneurs did not cheat that the unilateral cheated. "According to the daily, about 17 million people traveled by public transport in the valley said.
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