Defending start production in Bardiya

June 1, 2073- Chaudhary, Bardiya, including noodle production has started. Bamsagadhi 4 puspanagarako noodle factory produced mainly the middle and far sales distribution plan.

This is a great investment in the district is the first major industry. The industry began in the early phase Defending and chubby noodle production Chaudhary Group General Manager RK Sitaula.

9 thousand cartons of daily production has been started recently, he said. There are 2 hundred and 35 from employment. General Nayabaneshwor, demand in this sector on the basis of the production plan is to build a solid company. "

About 1 billion investment industry driven by the location of other karakhanasameta Group has made plans to expand as industrial gramakai. Chaudhary Group is currently in Nawalparasi same village.

Five grams of the same industrial group plans to open across the country has made. This is only a dollar billionaire Vinod Chaudhary Group Nepal, they led. He was in Forbes magazine list of billionaires. Group caucaubaheka beer, Banking, Telecommunications, cement, hydropower and other areas of investment.

Defending Bardiya plant came fully into operation about 5 hundred locals will be employed according to the company. Additional employment opportunities will arise in other industries caucausamgai Defending operation is open.

Also the establishment of industries and factories without any Bardiya industry in the region to support economic and social development is believed to locals.

Defending international level production and market promotion of noodles is a good chance the company said. Defending India also produces noodles. Group India Wai noodles are made primarily found in various dishes and preparing to open in New Delhi also has resturesta.
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