Continuing encouragement urging President (Maoist)

KATHMANDU: President of the Fourth National Disability Swimming Championships Bhandari of observation.

The objective to increase awareness of disabled-sports tournament held on Friday, President Bhandari winners' medal and certificate distribution avalokapachi her.
Nepal Spinal Cord Injury Sports Association was halted for the competition organized by the International Swimming Pool, 35 people participated in different kinds of disabilities.
Full tournament blind women and men and chair prayogakartabica 25 m distance swimming competition is provided.

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The tournament is a blind woman Prasiddha 53 seconds, crossing the 25-meter distance jimavati lamakoliya first became Chhetri said Sunsari close second and third place Darlami hands with her.
Altogether 20 minutes away across Rakesh Sharma became the first. The second and third were Gokarna Ghimire sumana Neupane.
Similarly, the distance 40 seconds, crossing the chair pratiyogitatarpha first became Nirmala Karki. Rajani Rai II and III became so jenisa kadayata.
Altogether 23 seconds, crossing Ramesh Khatri Bahadur Tamang shells first, then the second and third were Deepak Tamang.
The organization was founded in 2060 in national and international competition, according to the Nepalese players been able to achieve success.
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