Baburam cadres back 'we apologize sincerely apologetic'

A founding member of the new force Million
KATHMANDU: Nepal amid mid-starting a new power in the capital before the opening of the four started walking. The new power went out trekking in Nepal leaders and cadres back, "You're sorry for holding the inconvenience" message that is sticky.

Shale, Ratna, BabarMahal and started walking amid Mizanur be signed into the meeting.

The new vehicle, do not interrupt the trek, and the arrangement of the power-affiliated Nepal Press Union coordinator of the Society Rudra Bhatta said.

Central Secretariat member, respectively, Kalimati Dev Chhetri, AGENCE Pasang Sherpa, Babarmahal Mahendra Paswan and Mizanur mass media have been leading the trek.

Due to the management difficulties, so that the traffic of trekking walkways himdieko party spokesman Lal Devkota informed the bus.

In today's opening program, Prime Minister and CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli, the President of the Nepali Congress Sher Bahadur Deuba, CPN-Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and other top leaders of the center and all of the legislature parliament lawmaker has been invited.

'Opening ceremony will be conducted in a different manner, Fall, coordinator of the Aryan Dr. Baburam Bhattarai on behalf of the chairmanship of the new power, the Madhesi Welcome Chandra Jha, the program on behalf of women and indigenous groups on behalf of the heroine Karishma Manandhar will jointly Pasang Sherpa, "he said.

Udaghatanapachi Monday and Tuesday kamaladisthita Nepal Academy has to be discussed in the session and it would finalize the party's policy and program, and more official spokesman said Devkota.
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